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Birdlife International Important Bird Area

The Best Bird Watching in the Seychelles

Cousine Island has been identified by BirdLife International as an important bird area. This prestigious designation underscores the island's significance as a critical habitat for a diverse array of avian species. Birders from around the world are drawn to Cousine Island for the rare opportunity to observe some of the Seychelles' most elusive and endangered birds in their natural habitat.

One of the island's avian highlights is the Seychelles Warbler, a small, olive-brown bird that was once on the brink of extinction. Thanks to rigorous conservation efforts, it has made a remarkable recovery, and Cousine Island remains one of the best places to spot this resilient species. Equally captivating are the Seychelles Magpie-Robin and Seychelles Fody, both of which are endemic to the archipelago and thrive in the protected environment of the island.

In addition to these rare species, Cousine Island hosts breeding colonies of seabirds that add to its ornithological appeal. Visitors can marvel at the Wedge-tailed Shearwaters, known for their distinctive, eerie calls at night. The graceful White-tailed Tropicbirds, with their long, streaming tail feathers, are a sight to behold as they soar above the island. Lesser Noddies and Fairy Terns also breed here in significant numbers, providing ample opportunities for birdwatchers to observe their nesting behaviors up close.

The island's avian population is not limited to these breeding colonies. Throughout the year, Cousine Island serves as a sanctuary for a variety of seasonal migrants and year-round inhabitants. This dynamic mix ensures that every visit offers something new and exciting for birders. From the melodious calls of native songbirds to the spectacular aerial displays of seabirds, Cousine Island is a birdwatcher's paradise, teeming with life and brimming with natural beauty.

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